
Monday, October 5, 2015

VGA 90 The Selfie Revolution

Did you know that portraits used to only be for the very rich or powerful people in the world. Now we all have the power to take someone's portrait or even our own.

What's behind the selfie craze?

We all take pictures of ourself. The advancement of the smart phone has allowed us to take a selfie anywhere and share it almost immediately with everyone. Watch the following video on the selfie revolution.

It is important to know how to take a good selfie when you need to. Watch this vodeo to see some tips on taking a good selfie.

Here is another resource for you to learn about taking a selfie.


Here are a few tips to taking natural lit portraits.


How to make your own reflector

We have reflectors that you can use in class.


Submit 10 Photos
5 photos of portraits that you have taken of someone else.
5 photos of self portraits that you have taken yourself.
Along with each photo you need to submit photography notes on how you set up the shot.

Add these images along with your photographers notes and self reflection to your blog.

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