
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

GA 20/30 Doodle

Hand in Items:
finished doodle, self reflection and video of your process

The pages are square. You should hand draw your doodle in procreate. Once you have drawn the black outline, you must colour it digitally. 

Procreate info
Choose the preset square canvas.

Choose a theme, all your objects in your doodle should be related to your central theme. All items in your doodle should be your own, do not copy existing things.

Create the black and white doodle. Make sure that your black doodle is appealing. There should be a variety of line thickness and style incorporated in your overall design. Your design should be balanced and allow your eye to move around our whole doodle. 

Once your black and white doodle is complete have Mr. Sand look over your design to suggest improvements and to check for copyright issues.

Colour your doodle in Procreate.I suggest you ad colour on layers below the black lines.

When you have completed both pages post your work to your blog.

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