
Monday, March 6, 2017

Photo 10 Intro to Photography

To start off let's have a look at what photography is used for. There is a difference between talking a snapshot and creating a photograph. To create a photograph you need to master a variety of aspects to understand how to generate the photo that you need.

Look at photography website to see a list of categories and examples for photography.

Write an entry on your blog about the following:

There are many different purposes for photography. Based off of your interests  what are the three purposes of photography that you are most drawn to and what purpose of photography do you think you would be most successful at creating?

When you are in a photography class you must be able to understand the difference between a snapshot and a photograph. Watch the following video to understand this basic concept.

Photography Styles

There are different categories for styles of photography (e.g. journalism, portraiture, landscape) given a series of photographs. No matter what style of photography you are shooting you always need to have a good composition.

Inside of a subject and understanding composition you must be able to refine your subject matter. Watch the following video on finding your subject matter.

We often become focused on our subject when we take photographs when we should really be focused on light. Watch this short video that talks about this idea.

Your Assignment:  Photographs are taken for a variety of reasons. It may be to record a famous event or capture the likeness of an individual.  It may be to draw your attention to an item for sale or show a unique perspective or new way of looking at something.  Regardless of the motivation for taking the photo, great photos always seem to capture our attention and stir emotions within us.  This assignment is a simple one but also a valuable one as it requires you to not just view a photo, but to experience it. The photos are not intended to be ones that you have created, they are meant to be ones that you have found.
1.  You are to collect 10 photos that captivate you for some specific reason for the following categories:
- Advertising/ads
- Journalism/news
- Portraiture (a portrait of someone)
- Disaster
- Famous world event
- Wedding
- Fashion
- Product demo
- Nature
- Landscapes
- Automotive
- Medical
- Aerial
You can view more photography categories and examples at this link:
2.  With each photo, include a short description on what category the photo belongs in and why you selected it.
3. Create a blog post containing your photos. You can link to the web images right in Blogger.
4. Make sure you add your text to explain why you find the image captivating and list which category it represents in your blog post as well.

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